Strategic Intelligence Platform
A data schema shows the types of links that exist between types of enteties. However, it may be deceiving simple, because any node may have multiple links to any other type of node.
Community-author network (gexf)
Author community palette (png)
Affiliation location world map
A cluster is a grouping of communities. While the communities are generated by an algorithm, the clusters are created by a researcher after having inspected the communities.
Affiliation cluster totals (geo layout)
Affiliation cluster time series (geo layout)
Affiliation cluster totals (network layout)
Affiliation cluster time series (network layout)
Author's affiliation migration (svg)
Author's affiliation migration (pdf)
Author's affiliation migration (png)
Author's affiliation migration (gefx/dot)
Author's affiliation migration (gefx/line)
Author's affiliation migration (gefx)
Author's affiliation migration (gmaps)
Affiliations without location coordinates
Author keyword co-occurence network
Author keyword co-occurence network (pdf)
Author keyword co-occurence network (svg)
Journal keyword co-occurence network
Journal keyword co-occurence network (pdf)
Journal keyword co-occurence network (svg)
Source: Topic chart - publication/year
Source: Topic chart - top cited publications
Source: Author-keyword / topic matrix
Journal-Keyword / Topic Matrix
Source: Journal-Keyword / Topic Matrix
Source: Author-community - Topic (tsv)
No author community has any entries for subtopic 't1_s2'. The subtopic will therefore either not be displayed or produce an error. Reloading the page will restore the visualization.
Author communities are ordered by descending size: ["27","139","12","41","126","24","91","106","75","8","64","145","17","40","127"]
Author-community - topic (by community)
Author-community - topic (by topic)
Source: Affiliation-cluster - topic (tsv)
Affiliation-cluster - topic matrix (by cluster)
Affiliation Affiliation-cluster - topic matrix (by topic)
A varity of algorithms are used to organise the network. There is nevertheless one overriding principle: time moves from left to right so the most recent is to the right. The time scale has furthermore been logarithmic scaled, so there are the most distance between nodes in the recent years. This allows us to allocate more space to the most recent years which has the highest density of research, while keeping older research within view.
Citation Network: All min17.gexf
Citation Network: Community 12_min4.gexf
Citation Network: Community 139_min3.gexf
Citation Network: Community 145_min2.gexf
Citation Network: Community 24_min3.gexf
Citation Network: Community 27_min4.gexf
Citation Network: Topic t1_min4_out10.gexf
Citation Network: Topic t2_min3_out3.gexf